CoiXtreme® Adlay Extract


CoiXtreme® Adlay Extract

  • Taiwan origin 

  • Retains nutrient-rich red bran

  • Prevents metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver (animal experiments)

  • Formulated to improve menstrual pain in women (human trials)

  • Gluten-free

  • Free from mycotoxins, and no pesticide residues

  • Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is a medicinal plant which has been grown in Taiwan, China, South-East Asia and Japan, and has been served as nourishing food and used in traditional herbal medicine for more than 1000 years, mainly used for the treatment with inflammatory diseases, warts, neuralgia, and neoplastic diseases.


Product—Easy Period

  •  Formula validated through clinical trials has been confirmed to effectively alleviate menstrual pain and discomfort 

  • Exhibit significant lower reduction in prostaglandin levels and inhibits prostaglandin-induced uterine contractions 

  • Evaluated through a safety assessments and does not impact liver and kidney functions 

  • Convenient daily serving for 7 days during menstrual period


Product—Satiety Protein Shake

  • Cocoa Flavor, crispy and smooth

  • High protein, high fiber

  • Only 110 kcal, fat 2.5g

  • CoiXtreme® Adlay extract

  • Kidney Bean Extract X Potato Extract X Adzuki Bean Extract